The Underwater Menace Review

The Underwater Menace

Zaroff out-hams the Doctor

Story 32, Episodes 144-147, Season 4 Episodes 20-23

Doctor: The Second Doctor

Companions: Polly Wright, Ben Jackson, Jamie McCrimmon

The Underwater Menace is a pretty good story taking on the myth of Atlantis.

The Review

Polly almost becomes a fish person

When Patrick Troughton is on, he is on. His interactions with Professor Zaroff, who is played as a massive ham by Joseph Furst is spot-on. The Doctor always seems like he is asking questions and letting Zaroff take the lead, but is always in charge of the room at all times. That’s what makes the Second Doctor so well done, he is never not in control no matter what everybody else in the room thinks. The companions are alright in this story, they mainly give us more background information on the world of Atlantis that shows a pretty well-devised society. Atlantis sank into the ocean, only the tip of a volcanic island remaining. Air passages remained, and the inhabitants were able to survive. Zaroff is an aquatic scientist who promises to raise Atlantis and after twenty years is nearly there.

The fish people!

The real trick is that Zaroff is going to drain the ocean, and turn the water into steam in the Earth’s molten crust. That steam will cause a huge explosion that may shatter the planet, flinging Atlantis into the air. Why? Well, as the Doctor tells us, because Zaroff is mad. The ruler of Atlantis does not believe them until it is too late, and Atlantis has to be flooded by the Doctor and Ben to prevent Earth from being destroyed. The famous fish people you see in photos aren’t in the story much, they are inspired to go on strike from collecting food to cause chaos in Atlantis. The setting of the story is memorable, as the Atlanteans wear wild robes and tribal fronds. Including a glimpse at a marketplace, unlike Vulcan in Power of the Daleks, Atlantis is a fully realized society.

UPDATE (1/28/24): It’s now 2024, and we have animated versions of the first and last episodes! Honestly, this is a pretty good story, mainly because of the amount of effort put into the fish people. Yes, Zaroff is extremely hammy, but Troughton is giving a great performance and it feels like a fully realized society. Nothing crazy but better than the reputation!

What elevates this story beyond a pretty unmemorable outing is the development of Atlantis as well as Zaroff’s chewing of the scenery. Again, I wish there were video recordings, especially of episode four.

8/10 Pretty good story, all things considered. The Second Doctor keeps finding his stride.

Stop disguising Troughton!

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