Demons of the Punjab Review

Demons of the Punjab

They have no idea what they’re getting themselves into

Story 282, Episode 846, Series 11 Episode 6

Doctor: The Thirteenth Doctor

Companions: Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan, Graham O’Brien

It turns out that the answer to Series 11’s struggles are historicals, historicals, historicals. (And maybe not Chibnall writing sadly).

The Review

The Thijarin are very compassionate, and look badass

Demons of the Punjab is a storyline about one thing: the Partition of India and the devastating effects it had on people caught in the middle. Neighbors for years, Umbreen and Prem are prepared to marry, never mind one a Muslim and one a Hindu. But once the country is divided, they’re on separate sides of the fence. Despite an attempt in Arachnids in the UK, finally, Yaz has developed into a character! Her initial horror at her grandmother Umbreen not marrying who she knows to be her grandfather goes away once she sees what kind of man Prem is. The Doctor investigates the ‘demons’ seen over a body, but they turn out to be from an alien race whose planet has lost everything, dedicating their time to honor those who will die alone. The design of Thijarin is excellent and memorable.

Yaz handles this better than Rose and does not try to change history. Is anyone ever going to mention she’s a cop again though?

It turns out the villain of the story is Prem’s brother Manish, who had become radicalized while Prem fought in World War II. Manish wants the Muslims out of India, and when his brother dares to marry a Muslim…he must die. The conclusion of the story where the Doctor and the companions walk away as Prem is killed is heartbreaking. Graham is turning into something of a sage figure on this adventure, offering comforting advice to just about everyone. Glad to see him and Yaz talking to each other, shows how their relationship has developed. We got close to Whittaker going full Doctor rage on the Thijarin, but most hilarious was her going on the girls’ side before wedding night and gleefully saying she never got to do this as a man. Ryan doesn’t do much, but he didn’t have to. The last big part of this story: we WENT SOMEWHERE NEW! I hope Doctor Who continues to push the limits of historicals because this era has them nailed.

Series 11 rights the ship by proving if this era can do one thing, it’s historicals.

10/10 Screw it, full marks. What could have been better? A moving episode telling an important story.

The Doctor as an officiant: great stuff

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