Series 11 Review

Series 11



Series 11

Doctor: The Thirteenth Doctor

Companions: Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan, Graham O’Brien

The fact that I took so long to do this review is a pretty bad indictment of Series 11. This series was quite simply weaker than the sum of its parts. The changeover to Jodie Whittaker went well, but there are numerous structural problems. One is the tone of the show is too simplistic now, you think of the complex relationships and deep character work of Series 9, that has been completely excised. The music isn’t as interesting, there are no more set piece action scenes. Yaz is completely useless as a character through no fault of Mandip Gill, but she really shouldn’t have been on this TARDIS team. The historicals packed a powerful emotional punch that showed the best of this new re-working of Doctor Who. This season’s biggest problem wasn’t that it was bad…it just left me feeling kind of indifferent.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

Demons of the Punjab: 10/10

Rosa: 9.75/10

The Ghost Monument: 9.25/10

Kerblam!: 9/10

The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos: 8.9/10

Resolution: 8.3/10

Arachnids in the UK: 8/10

It Takes You Away: 8/10

The Woman Who Fell To Earth: 7.5/10

The Witchfinders: 7.5/10

The Tsuranga Conundrum: 6/10

Funny, this gets an incrementally higher score than Season 4 but just feels so much worse overall.

8.382/10 Yay?

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