Season 9 Review

Season 9



Season 9

Doctor: The Third Doctor

Companions: The Brigadier, Jo Grant

Season 9 is a collection of stories that show Doctor Who finally returning into the far future and the past, even if the TARDIS is still under the control of the Time Lords.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

The Curse of Peladon: 10/10

The Sea Devils: 9.5/10

Day of the Daleks: 9.25/10

The Time Monster: 7.75/10

The Mutants: 7/10

The return of the Daleks for the first time in color show the Pertwee era at some of its most confident. The pairing between the fatherly, debonair, Pertwee and the spunky Jo is a great one. The real star of the show though might be Roger Delgado’s Master, a thrilling presence in every scene. While the final two stories don’t live up to the beginning of the season, Doctor Who continues to be in good hands.

8.7/10 Doctor Who rolls on in style

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