Season 10 Review

Season 10



Season 10

Doctor: The Third Doctor

Companions: The Brigadier, Jo Grant

Season 10 has us say goodbye to Jo Grant, and unfortunately goodbye to the original Master. Starting with the first multi-Doctor tale, Doctor Who‘s anniversary season is a success.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

Planet of the Daleks: 9.5/10

The Three Doctors: 8.5/10

The Green Death: 8.5/10

Frontier in Space: 7.5/10

Carnival of Monsters: 7/10

Jo Grant’s character I’ve seen has been criticized for not being a feminist women of the times (which I believe will be rectified in style next season). However, her character was far from the shrieking sometimes hapless female companions of the past. A bit eccentric, and always in her own way, Jo was a capable and strong companion that solved an array of situations and will be missed. The Three Doctors featured some of the hammiest acting to date in Doctor Who history, but provided great fun. Carnival of Monsters and Frontier in Space were less successful, but their payoff in Planet of the Daleks was spectacular. It is shame Delgado’s last appearance left his character open-ended. The Green Death brings Jo’s story to an end, and makes us shed a tear seeing Jon Pertwee so shaken about it. Throughout the whole season, his icy-cold wit kept the show humming, and ensured that Doctor Who‘s first decade would be far from its last.

8.2/10 No problem Venusian Akido can’t solve. HYAH!

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