Season 11 Review

Season 11



Season 11

Doctor: The Third Doctor

Companions: The Brigadier, Sarah Jane Smith

In Pertwee’s final outing, we meet the legendary Sarah Jane Smith and get a string of consistently solid but not great stories.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

The Time Warrior: 8.5/10

Planet of the Spiders: 8.25/10

Invasion of the Dinosaurs: 8/10

Death to the Daleks: 8/10

The Monster of Peladon: 8/10

I think it is not such a bad things that so many stories scored out as 8s. This season was just consistently solid from start to finish. Sarah Jane was not the completely fierce independent woman I was expecting, but maybe she was for the era. Nevertheless Elisabeth Sladen was tons of fun to be around. Pertwee’s Doctor was getting a bit crochety with age, but his cool demeanor and calmness under pressure were suave until the end. The special effects were a bit dodgy, but I have a high forgiveness understanding this was low-budget 70s tv. Thematically, this season worked.

8.15/10 The Pertwee era’s quality lasted through the end. An excellent era of Doctor Who

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