Genesis of the Daleks Review


Genesis of the Daleks

For the fate of the universe

Story 78, Episodes 393-398, Season 12 Episodes 11-16

Doctor: The Fourth Doctor

Companions: Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan

One of the most famous Doctor Who stories ever lives up to the hype as Davros is introduced with the Doctor going back to the source of how the Dalek evil began.

The Review

Sarah with a Mutto, trying to escape

At last, I have seen Genesis of the Daleks, and it delivers on the promise of the title and the legacy it has cultivated. Skaro is depicted in a horrific thousand year war between the Kaleds and Thals. The Thals are portrayed as the lesser of the two evils, as when they believe they win the war all Kaled prisoners are freed. I doubt that the Nazi-like Kaleds would do that, especially considering the screed we hear from a young general saying the Thals will be destroyed in the name of peace. Early on, the war’s hopelessness is established, a mismatch of technologies (that will be shown so well in The Magician’s Apprentice), and the youth of the soldiers. Both cultures are holed up in bunker domes with a harsh wasteland between them. There are also the Muttos, the creations of chemical warfare who live in the middle and are harshly treated by both sides. Early on Sarah Jane gets separated again, but I think it’s because she’s a much more interesting character than Harry who I don’t think could carry a plot arc on his own.

The first Dalek in history

A Time Lord has instructed the Doctor to end the Dalek threat forever, and the way back to the TARDIS is a time ring MacGuffin. The Doctor meets Davros, who an incredible creation, exactly the man you would’ve imagined making the Daleks. His high-pitched speeches and fits of rage remind you that he is not far away from being a Dalek himself. Davros always seems in control no matter the threats facing his plans, he is determined to create an unstoppable warrior race to purge other species. His scientific streak is clear too, such as his fascination with a hypothetical from the Doctor about creating a virus instead of the Daleks. The scene where he forces the Doctor to recount the Dalek’s defeats is a great cliffhanger. Just as evil and responsible for the Daleks is the Himmler-esque Nyler, a contemptible, sour man who stands resolutely by Davros’ side. To the Kaleds’ credit, a democratic rebellion is staged, but all those involved are executed by Daleks.

People kind of forget, but the Doctor does say he has the right

Tom Baker continues to crush his debut season as the Doctor, with the ‘do I have the right?’ scene an incredible achievement. You may think: of course destroying the Daleks is right, it’ll save billions! The Doctor ends up agreeing with you, and eventually does detonate the Dalek incubator room. However, Davros’ actions keep some Daleks sealed up in the bunker, the Doctor estimating he only set back the Daleks a millennium. In a moment of true catharsis and irony, Davros is exterminated by his own creations after having been deemed inferior. Of course, this doesn’t stick, but it’s a poetic fate for him. I can think of nothing to change in this serial, so it earns a 10 from me. If I didn’t know a thing about it watching it for the first time, I think I would’ve been on the edge of my seat. The Daleks have always been scarier than they’ve had right to be, and Davros perfects their recipe.

Sure some stuff in The Daleks gets contradicted, but let’s just say history got muddled so long after the events of this story. Also the whole time wobbly-wibbly stuff.

10/10 Davros’ introduction to Doctor Who is picture perfect

Genesis of the Daleks 4
These two, the worst!


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