Series 4 Review

Series 4



Series 4

Doctor: Tenth Doctor

Companions: Sarah Jane Smith, K9, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Captain Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Wilfred Mott, River Song

David Tennant’s final season brings the perfect duo of the Tenth Doctor and Donna, while the stories do not always hit classic status, some do, and they are rarely bad.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories:

Midnight: 10/10

Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead: 10/10

Partners in Crime: 8.75/10

The Fires of Pompeii: 8.5/10

Planet of the Ood: 8.5/10

The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End: 8.25/10

The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky: 8.25/10

Turn Left: 8/10

The Unicorn and the Wasp: 8/10

The Doctor’s Daughter: 7.5/10

The best part of Series 4 is seeing two talented actors in David Tennant and Catherine Tate having the time of their lives. Tennant is sneaky good still as the Tenth Doctor, inhabiting the role so completely and utterly that his performance is just a built in part of what we expect from the show now. In Donna, Doctor Who gets the most ‘basic’ of all the companions, but also the most compassionate and human of them all. The Tenth Doctor still has a lot to learn about empathy and being a human, and he learns a lot of it from Donna. While the crazy companion fueled conclusion doesn’t hit all the marks, it cannot take away from one of the show’s very best duos.

8.575/10 With this classic duo leading the way, no one can fail

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