Series 12 Review

Series 12

Series 12

Doctor: The Thirteenth Doctor

Companions: Jack Harkness, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan, Graham O’Brien

Series 12 I think improved on Series 11 but is still less than the sum of its parts. The stories got better overall, and after Series 11 had basically zero references to greater lore, we got the lore dump to end all lore dump and twists after twists. The Master, Captain Jack, the Cybermen, a supposed other Doctor played by Jo Martin, and the Doctor is a mysterious foundling that is the progenitor of the Time Lord race? Not only that, but historical episodes continued to be this series’ strength, as I now look back fondly at Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror and especially The Haunting of Villa Diodati, my pick for the series’ best outing.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

The Haunting of Villa Diodati: 9.25/10

Fugitive of the Judoon: 9/10

Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children: 9/10

Can You Hear Me?: 9/10

Spyfall: 8.9/10

Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror: 8.75/10

Praxeus: 8.5/10

Revolution of the Daleks: 8/10

Orphan 55: 7.5/10

In hindsight it’s interesting to see how my opinion changes, I’m always generally higher in the moment, but the Tesla episode has improved for me. Orphan 55 probably deserves even worse for that train wreck of an episode. Once again, the individual episodes are all structured well, but the core dynamic of the characters has just been completely lacking since the Chibnall era got underway. Good episodes, but not much going on under the surface. This series avoided having a few clunkers, but it’s still lacking the highest highs.

8.656/10 Yay?

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