Season 20 Review

Season 20

Season 20

Doctor: The Fifth Doctor

Companions: The Brigadier, Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka, Visor Turlough, Kamelion

Season 20 is where we fully settle into the Fifth Doctor era, and celebrate 20 years of the show with The Five Doctors

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

The Five Doctors: 9.25/10

Enlightenment: 9/10

Mawdryn Undead: 8.9/10

The King’s Demons: 8.25/10

Snakedance: 8.25/10

Terminus: 8/10

Arc of Infinity: 7.9/10

The best story wasn’t technically part of the season, but The Five Doctors is the class of this group of stories, a delightful anniversary special. Behind that, most stories were good but not great, though avoiding any complete disasters. The best story from the season proper was the moody and inspired Enlightenment, while the biggest miss was Arc of Infinity because of its over-reliance on Gallifrey and lore, something that The Five Doctors deftly avoided despite it’s characters.

8.543/10 Season 20 celebrates 20 years of Doctor Who with a classically good season

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