Time Crash Review

Time Crash

The Doctors!

Story 187.5

Doctor: Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor

A delightful 2007 charity mini-episode that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

The Review

Tenth Doctor trying to work some magic

How can you not have a big smile on your face watching Time Crash? It has everything to do with David Tennant’s performance, featuring him at the height of his powers as one of the finest actors ever to take the part. Peter Davison is visibly older and almost can’t quite pull off being the famously youthful Fifth Doctor, but he does an admirable job. It’s just a blast to see these two at it, as their Doctors, doing Doctor things. Knowing that Tennant got Davison because he was his favorite Doctor growing up is just perfect, and then the next year he’d meet Davison’s daughter and marry her! How about that? It’s a perfect little love letter to the Fifth Doctor, and incarnation that deserves a lot more love than he gets. What fun!

Wish we’d gotten a few more of these, but we did get Matt Smith and Tom Baker together six years later. Still kind of can’t believe that one.

10/10 Come on, what did you think?

What time differential does to a mf

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