Series 5 Review

Series 5

Series 5

Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

Companions: River Song, Amy Pond, Rory Williams

Series 5, the first overseen by Steven Moffat, is a true classic reinventing the show for a new decade.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

Vincent and the Doctor: 10/10

The Time of Angels/Flesh and Blood: 10/10

The Pandorica Opens/the Big Bang: 10/10

The Eleventh Hour: 10/10

Amy’s Choice: 8.5/10

The Beast Below: 8.5/10

The Lodger: 8/10

The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood: 8/10

Victory of the Daleks: 8/10

The Vampires of Venice: 7.95/10

Series 5 has four perfect stories, which I think is a record that will stand the test of time. Matt Smith arrives as the Doctor and is at once both the most absurd and silliest Doctor, but one of the most alien and unusual takes on the character. Personally Eleven is not one of my favorite Doctors, but he is used perfectly in this season as the insane genius best friend. Karen Gillan, who unsurprisingly is breaking out as a major movie star, is fierce and flirty, an excellent combination that makes her one of the most entertaining companions. Her suffering boyfriend Rory is one of the kindest most dedicated people in show history, and the whole trio is pitched together perfectly. With a storyline perfectly wrapping up with clues draped along the way, Series 5 is a classic.

8.895/10 Series 5: almost as good as it gets

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