Space/Time Review


It’s two Amys. They’re coming to your town.

Story 213.5, 2011 Children in Need Special

Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

Companions: Amy Pond, Rory Williams

Four mini episodes are enough for me to toss them together as story 213.5 as we cover Space/Time and throw in Bad Night/Good Night.

The Review

The TARDIS materialized inside itself

I miss the days when Doctor Who did extra little content like this. The last canon Children in Need special, Space/Time sees Rory looking up his wife’s skirt through the TARDIS’ glass floor, causing a paradox situation briefly resulting in two Amys (one from the future) that flirt with each other. It’s all silly fun, but my favorite bit is where the future Doctor proudly tells the past Doctor the lever to fix the TARDIS spawning inside itself is ‘the wibbly lever!’. Matt Smith does these silly little interactions so well. Sure, Rory looking up Amy’s skirt is a bit crass, but at least they’re married by this point so it’s not really creepy.

The Doctor offering advice

After consulting continuity guides, it seems here is the best spot for Bad Night/Good Night, two blu-ray exclusive scenes of Amy catching the Doctor after going on adventures with River. I think Matt Smith pulls off explaining absurd situations seriously better than any Doctor. In the first, Queen Elizabeth II has been turned into a fish, and the Doctor is figuring out how he’s going to sort it. In the second one he’s spending time with two of his wives as he tells River that Marilyn will have to use the biplane. It ends on a sweet note with Amy wondering how she can remember her childhood with no parents and now with parents at the same time and the Doctor just saying ‘hey, time’s always being re-written, so get over it and go get ice cream’. I think that’s fine advice.

There is little room for anything to go wrong, so full marks from me on these mini-episodes.

10/10 “The Prince of Wales? No, not which Wales, which Prince”

Oops, that’s not the Queen. It’s the wrong fish

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