Escape to L.A. Review

Escape to L.A.

California dreamin’

Torchwood Season 4 Episode 4

Torchwood: Miracle Day finally starts getting good with an intense episode taking us across every plot thread.

The Review

Look behind you Gwen!

Now, this is morel like it! The Torchwood team arrives in Los Angeles, home of Phicorp’s headquarters to stage a raid on their data servers. Gwen is trying to get Rhys to get her dad out of the hospital, but he ends up getting sent to a Phicorp camp. Esther started out visiting her sister and ends up reporting her to child protective services, a man was waiting at her house and tails Torchwood all the way to LA. Rex is feeling glum about the new ‘Dead is Dead’ slogan and visits his anti-government Dad who lives in a ramshackle apartment. The raid on Phicorp is tightly constructed with Gwen in a hilarious dress and hairstyle named ‘Yvonne’ and Jack as a delivery man. The two are caught by the assassin sent by the Families/Triangle and are saved by Rex who staggers up 33 flights of stairs. In classic Gwen fashion, she’s pissed because he shot the assassin just as he was going to reveal some juicy info.

Bill Pullman has been perfectly sickening as Oswald

We get some more Dr. Juarez at an overflow hospital, and this is where the Oswald Danes story takes off. Ellis Hartley Monroe, a Tea Party mayor, starts a ‘Dead is Dead’ campaign to ostracize people who should have died. Oswald calls her bullshit by picking up an abandoned baby and becomes a voice of the people. Once again, Oswald is a truly horrible reprehensible man, even the horrible PR woman Kitzinger says she absolutely detests him but loves the publicity he brings. Overall, this is a long episode, but one that kept me hooked showing the Miracle continuing to spiral out of control with a tense heist sequence.

After a largely filler episode three, Miracle Day gets on track with one of the best episodes of the show, non-Children of Earth category.

10/10 There are lots of moving characters and plot, and for now, all are believable!

Starting to appreciate these two

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