End of the Road Review

End of the Road

Jack and the dying Angelo

Torchwood Season 4 Episode 8

The CIA gets involved back in Torchwood, and the quality of the season takes a dip accordingly.

The Review

The founders of the three families

It’s unsurprising, but after the great episodes showing the Miracle causing chaos on Earth we now have to meet its maker and their connection to Jack. This episode is the first in a while to feel it doesn’t earn its runtime, the CIA arrives at the Colasanto residence and after evil Wayne Knight commits suicide it’s a legit operation. Here, the story bogs down again, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to seeing Esther’s CIA desk-mates again. Angelo, now over 100 and unconscious, apparently was always keeping tabs on Jack, to the point of salvaging material from the hub in Cardiff. Oh, and after Jack kisses him, he becomes the first person to actually die in weeks. Jack’s continued evasiveness with Gwen and company is frustrating, especially that Gwen gets deported to the UK. Overall, too much standing around and talking in this one.

The new head CIA guy on station

I’m disappointed in the villains so far, as it turns out they’re basically three families of mobsters (hence the triangle logo). The blue-eyed man that recruits Kitzinger is suitably creepy and mysterious, but it’s not quite believable that the mob has been playing the world for decades. We finally see Oswald again, who attempts adult conversation with a redhead prostitute (clearly thinking of Kitzinger) and gets rightfully raked through the coals. There’s also a very 24-esque twist where Esther’s best CIA friend turns out to be a member of the Families. It’s fun, but I’d care more if we knew anything about her. Though the global economy is about to completely collapse, it seems we’ve already seen what there is to know about how society would respond to the Miracle. Now, we’re just going to be mining Jack’s past to see what we can find.

The Angelo/Jack reunion is kind of a dud, and we spend a lot of time awkwardly standing around the CIA.

7.75/10 Deporting Gwen? Seriously? She and Jack better get on screen one last time

The null field scene was cool

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