Torchwood: Miracle Day Review

Torchwood: Miracle Day

Torchwood Season 4

Torchwood: Miracle Day ends up biting off more than it can handle, but tells an ahead of it’s time story of the world collapsing amid a medical crisis.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories:

Escape to L.A.: 10/10

The Categories of Life: 9.5/10

The Middle Men: 9.5/10

Immortal Sins: 9/10

Rendition: 8.5/10

The Gathering: 8.5/10

The New World: 8/10

The Blood Line: 8/10

End of the Road: 7.75/10

Dead of Night: 7/10

The criticisms are clear, Torchwood strayed from the UK to make a thriller with the CIA prominently featuring, and what’s worse: there weren’t any aliens involved. This one was all on us. In the final episode, Gwen says that the Blessing and the Miracle might be the most terrestrial thing of all. RTD once again swung for the fences: a plague where no human can die, no matter how hard they try. I think Torchwood actually works better without tracking down aliens, as it allows RTD to cast judgement on the worst of human society as he often so expertly does. Rex and Esther were good additions to the team, but the power of Jack and Gwen again carried the day. It did not all work, the villains essentially being three mysterious families isn’t too interesting and it doesn’t nail the landing. Still, I will always think about those haunting middle episodes as we saw just how far humanity was willing to go to protect the powerful.

8.575/10 A flawed thrill ride

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