Season 21 Review

Season 21

Season 21

Doctor: The Fifth Doctor, the Sixth Doctor

Companions: Tegan Jovanka, Vislor Turlough, Kamelion, Peri Brown

Cracks start to show in twenty years of Doctor Who in Season 21, where we get a full cast change from episode one to twenty-four.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

The Caves of Androzani: 10/10

Warriors of the Deep: 9/10

Planet of Fire: 8.6/10

Frontios: 7.75/10

The Awakening: 7/10

The Twin Dilemma: 6.75/10

Resurrection of the Daleks: 6/10

The highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. The Caves of Androzani lived up to the hype with a spectacular final story for the Fifth Doctor with the kind of directorial skill that was far ahead of its time. Though not as good, Warriors of the Deep was a serious story about the useless of war. On the flip side, in the season finale where we now have Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor, The Twin Dilemma is a mess that almost succeeds as a parody of itself. Still, the worst for my mind is the very disappointing departure story for Tegan, Resurrection of the Daleks, just a soulless mess of insane amounts of violence hurt even more by being broadcast as two forty-five minute episodes. The only bright spot as the great Davison era falls away has been Nicola Bryant as Peri, brave, pretty, and willing to stand up for herself. The next season will need it.

7.871/10 A disappointing step-down at least gives Davison the farewell he deserved

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