Season 22 Review

Season 22

Season 22

Doctor: The Second Doctor, The Sixth Doctor

Companions: Jamie McCrimmon, Peri Brown

Season 22 fails to have a truly great story as the show’s creative energies start to run out paired with a downright uncomfortable Doctor/companion dynamic.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

Timelash: 8.25/10

The Two Doctors: 7.9/10

Vengeance on Varos: 7.75/10

Attack of the Cybermen: 7.5/10

Revelation of the Daleks: 7/10

The Mark of the Rani: 7/10

Timelash is by no means a story that should be the highlight of the season, but here we are. Season 22 never hits the ugly lows of Resurrection of the Daleks, but it is often too convoluted and occasionally very violent. Creatively you can feel the show in a rut, over half of the stories have a returning villain. That’s right, we have the Master, Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans all in one season. It feels like the writers of the show can’t think of much else, so it’s all back to the classics with more and more diminishing returns. The other twin problem is the Sixth Doctor is an unlikable asshole a lot of the time, there are flashes where Colin Baker and the writing have it calibrated correctly where the Doctor could be more indignant than insulting, but they’re too few. Nicola Bryant, who I know from later audio work is a great actor, is often saddled in horrific outfits and given next to nothing to do. We all deserved better.

7.567/10 Quite possibly the worst season of the show

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