The Man Who Never Was Review

The Man Who Never Was

Sarah Jane exposes Serf

The Sarah Jane Adventures Season 5 Episodes 5-6

It’s a standard story to end The Sarah Jane Adventures, but Luke gets to join for one last outing and meet his sister.

The Review

The Skullions

So, it has come to this, the final time Elisabeth Sladen performed as Sarah Jane before her death in early 2011. There’s nothing special about this story, but I think it’s exactly how she would’ve wanted it: one last outing with her SJA family. Luke is back for this story, and a subplot is Sky’s nervousness around meeting him in person for the first time (especially over the fact that she took his bedroom). Of course, everything is worked out and Luke and Sky make an excellent brother/sister team. On the other side, we have the Clyde and Rani relationship further pursued as Luke has an official ship name for them (‘Clani’) and they have to pose as married journalists. If you want to imagine years more adventures of Sarah Jane and her gang saving the world, it’s hard to think of a better point to leave things ambiguous.

The loathsome Harrison

The actual plot involves the launch of the ‘Serf Board’ by a reclusive billionaire, who it turns out is just a hologram hilariously controlled by alien Skullions who have to operate different body parts all in sync. Their rule by the tyrannical and remorseless Harrison who punishes them with shock collars makes Harrison one of the most hatable villains in all of Doctor Who. There is also an ambiguously Polish cleaning lady who sympathizes with the ‘little people’ and is happy to see them rescued. Again, there’s nothing special going on here, but it does make me marvel at how high-quality the show managed to be. Creating a children’s show that could inspire and still teach valuable life lessons and be enjoyable for all ages? Elisabeth Sladen’s legacy isn’t going anywhere. She does get one last ‘pretending to be ditzy to gain information’ scene, and it’s a delight. Long live Sarah Jane.

It’s nothing special, but all the gang reunites for one last adventure doing what they do best: saving people from a monster.

8/10 Sarah Jane, we salute you

The Queen of Who forever

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