The Sarah Jane Adventures Season 5 Review

The Sarah Jane Adventures Season 5

The Sarah Jane Adventures Season 5

The Sarah Jane Adventures sadly comes to a sudden conclusion, but gives us some final memorable moments.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories:

The Curse of Clyde Langer: 10/10

Sky: 8.5/10

The Man Who Never Was: 8/10

The Sarah Jane Adventures has been gone for over a decade now, but the legacy still remains with one of the most popular children’s shows in UK history. The reason is clear: exciting adventure, and great characters. This season introduced us to Sky, a new younger character who sadly didn’t get the chance to anchor the show for seasons to come. Still, she gets to meet her older brother Luke in the final story, so we are not denied that moment. Anjli Mohindra continues to show the skills that have her continuing to pursue a successful acting career, and one of my only regrets is we don’t see more of Rani’s family. The standout character for me though will be Clyde Langer, played with such depth by Daniel Anthony, who has truly grown over the course of the series. The Curse of Clyde Langer is thankfully one last opportunity to show his great work. As for Elisabeth Sladen, I’ll admit: I have always found something just a bit mis-calibrated with her Sarah Jane performances in this show. I know why though. Sladen is simply so sincere that it overrides everything else, and I could never help but be charmed by her. The fact that she got to headline this show is just such an incredible gift, and she continues to inspire. Thanks for being the hero Elisabeth.

8.833/10 The journey continues…forever

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