Pond Life Review

Pond Life

Enjoying breakfast

Story 225.5

Doctor: Eleventh Doctor

Companions: Amy Pond, Rory Williams

Pond Life is a short but amusing snapshot of life as friends of the Doctor.

The Review

The Ponds

Companions usually seem stuck between never seeing the Doctor or never seeing home, so glimpsing the part-time lives of the Ponds is a fun idea. Old friend Chris Chibnall writes these three little vignettes taking place over five months. The Doctor once pops in having been from the future, and one time leaves an Ood servant behind who does all the chores for the Ponds. It’s all fun and games until the surprising fifth installment with Rory angrily storming out of the house with Amy in tears behind him. It’s a fine slice of life.

The tiny snippets we get into the Doctor’s life are hilarious, my favorite with him laying down ‘backwards vocals’ on a rap album.

9/10 I really miss these.

Caught out in the rain

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