Delta and the Bannermen Review

Delta and the Bannermen

The gang’s all here

Story 146, Episodes 662-664, Season 24 Episodes 9-11

Doctor: Seventh Doctor

Companions: Mel Bush

Is this show even Doctor Who anymore? I’m not sure, but it’s not completely terrible as we get a weird 50s romp out of nowhere.

The Review

Weird beings flying to space

I really don’t know what to make of this story. Essentially, it’s a complete send-up of 50s weird B-movies, but in a way that actually feels intentional as it’s jam-packed with era-appropriate music and everything. There are characters on characters, from a bus full of space tourists and their amusing captain who all get shockingly murdered to a pair of old bumbling American intelligence agents. Not to mention the proprietor and staff of a Welsh holiday camp called Shangri-la. The titular Delta as an austere queen of the Chimerons, a race that is sort of like bees but if bees were humanoid. The Bannermen do often have lots of banners with them and are led by a pretty uninteresting villain Gavrok. All this, in only three episodes, but honestly, three was plenty for this story.

Ray, the companion that almost was

The repeated usage of 50s hits plays very much to this story’s credit, and it’s anchored by a usually low-key but completely in control Sylvester McCoy. He does have one great moment ripping Gavrok which is impressive, and although there are few character traits so far other than metaphor mix-ups, I like his character. Mel benefits from less being more in this story, which works out well. Most intriguing is Ray, a handy mechanic who fails to draw the love of her childhood friend Billy who ends up joining the Queen. Written as a potential companion, it’s sad that she just has to ride off into the sunset alone. Often Doctor Who becomes a sci-fi B-movie on accident, rarely does it lean into it, it does so here saving the story but it’s still a little far removed from the show proper for me.

Even wackier than the previous story, but full of charm, Delta and the Bannermen has its place as one of the most out there stories in Doctor Who.

8/10 The American characters actually feel like real people for once!

The alien tourists deserved better than a shock death

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