Season 24 Review

Season 24

Season 24

Doctor: Seventh Doctor

Companions: Mel Bush, Ace McShane

Season 24 marks a slight recovery as the show continues to work itself out of its late 80s hole, but offers nothing special.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

Dragonfire: 8/10

Delta and the Bannermen: 8/10

Paradise Towers: 8/10

Time and the Rani: 7/10

Sylvester McCoy proves to be maybe the most understated of the classic Doctors, at least in this season. Understandable considering his late casting, the Doctor often feels rather generic but there’s a sort of warmth that emanates from the Seventh Doctor. The show has been reduced to four story seasons, and the first three are varying levels of silly. Where the Sixth Doctor was often just plain unlikable, with the Seventh Doctor they’re just wacky space adventures. Delta and the Bannermen gets the furthest off the path with a wild story that I can barely classify as Doctor Who about aliens going on holiday to a Welsh summer camp. Really, ‘camp’ is the prime word for this season, and in all honesty, it’s all perfectly watchable. Still, it’s been a long time since anyone has written something truly spectacular, and the classic series is running out of time. Ace does seem to be more dynamic than Mel, whose character arc basically got slashed when Colin Baker was fired, so let’s see how that turns out.

7.75/10 No serious misfires, but nothing interesting going on either

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