Season 25 Review

Season 25

Season 25

Doctor: Seventh Doctor

Companions: Ace McShane

For the show’s twenty-fifth anniversary Season 25 makes an uneven but bold leap back into excitement and success.

The Review

Here’s the scores for the stories

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: 10/10

Remembrance of the Daleks: 9.25/10

Silver Nemesis: 8.25/10

The Happiness Patrol: 8.25/10

One of the all-time great Doctor/companion dynamics is formed in Season 25. The Seventh Doctor finds his footing, no longer a generic character only defined by the weird mixed metaphors thing, the Doctor here enjoys stagecraft and acting like a clown but is always calm and collected on the inside. Compared to the Second and Fourth Doctors who often pretended to be idiots to be underestimated, the Seventh Doctor doesn’t do that, he’s always looking to entertain, to be a showman. As Sylvester McCoy was naturally a showman, it’s a perfect and obvious evolution. Meanwhile, Ace is simply a revelation, she’s kick-ass and adorable all at once. The Doctor secretly is just as punk as she is, and he’s basically the coolest teacher in the world for her. While classics like the Daleks and Cybermen seem uninteresting, the best story comes from killer clowns. Who knew?

8.925/10 A massive leap in quality and a smashing success

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