Farewell, Sarah Jane Review

Farewell, Sarah Jane

The Sarah Jane Adventures Finale

One day in the middle of a pandemic, Russell T. Davies gave us the conclusion of The Sarah Jane Adventures we always wanted.

The Review

Luke remembers his mom

This is one emotional thirteen minutes of television, well not television, a special presentation made during the depths of despair in 2020. What else can I say except it’s beautiful? We hear from Jo, from Ace, but the true treat is to hear from Luke, Clyde, and Rani again. Jacob Dudman does an excellent job as a narrator. Yes, these are characters, but they’re clearly the actual humans too. Sarah Jane and Elisabeth Sladen were both remarkable people, and you can feel the impact she had on generations of Who characters and fans. The highlight comes from Rani, who as Sarah Jane’s protege deservedly closes out the series. To her, she imagines that Sarah Jane isn’t really dead, but out there with the Doctor on one last adventure. Isn’t that all how we want to end? When Sladen died in 2011, it was so unexpected, too young, too brutal to bear. Nine years later, we were ready. Everyone was sad, but they were happy and thankful too. Long live Sarah Jane.

10/10 Could it get anything else?

Rani says farewell

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