Rogue Review


The big three

Story 309, Season 1 Episode 6

Doctor: The Fifteenth Doctor

Companions: Ruby Sunday

Fresh writers Kate Herron and Briony Rodman deliver an absolutely delightful episode with some incredible chemistry between Groff and Gatwa.

The Review

The Chuldur Shapeshifters

One of the biggest things missing from the Chibnall/Whittaker era were fun romps. Almost every episode felt so serious. Rogue is an absolute blast of a good time as the Doctor and Ruby uncover an alien conspiracy in 1813 England. The Chuldur shapeshifters are weird bird people who love literally cosplaying as people. (Honestly the Doctor explaining cosplay was a little meta). They’re unique weird looking aliens, with a penchant for murder. Just when we thought we knew all four of them, it turns out that there was a fifth one the whole time. The set is perfectly designed, and the costuming work was fabulous. Ruby is slightly sidelined as the third lead behind Gatwa and Goff, but I don’t see that as an issue as 73 Yards was a full on Ruby episode. Millie Gibson looks fantastic, but the story is also a good reminder that she is still a teenager. The Lady Gaga battle scene was pretty funny.

Bring Rogue back immediately

From the first scene even with Groff as the bounty hunter Rogue not speaking much, the chemistry between him and the Doctor was off the charts. This might be the best chemistry the Doctor has ever had with anyone. The Doctor plays music in his ship messing with them, then gets one of those “I’m the Doctor” speeches with faces of previous Doctors (including Jo Martin!) everyone was clamoring for. Even fifteen minutes in I was ready for them to just kiss already, and boy did they. Rogue ends up taking a hit for the Doctor but saving Ruby from getting shunted to another dimension and tells the Doctor to find him, leaving him his ring. This is one of the strongest guest performances the show has ever had, Jonathan Groff absolutely must be a recurring character.

Yeah, I’m the guy who loves Tooth and Claw, the historical romps are a favorite of mine. While nowhere near as clever as Dot and Bubble, this story is a much more fun watch. That’s one of the great things about Doctor Who: you don’t like an episode, give it a week. This is one I’m definitely going to be revisiting.

10/10: This is Doctor Who! Great fun messing around in in 1813 fighting shapeshifting aliens and kissing Jonathan Groff, what more could you want?

Apparently the Shalka Doctor was in the floating Doctor Who heads. RTD never fails to troll

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